Case Management & Commissioning

Enabling specialist autism and learning disability support, provided by highly trained clinicians and a therapy team developed for people to live their best lives.

Working Together for Positive Outcomes

With a focus on supporting the best interests of the people we serve, our complex care services and care coordination are tailored to people’s strengths and personal choices. We work directly with families, local councils, health and social care professionals, CQC and other colleagues across the sector to ensure we provide human-first and proper support.

Leaf Complex Care continuously works with our support workers and the specialist therapy team to provide person-centred approaches to care. Our teams are highly trained in Positive Behaviour Support (PROACT SCIPr), Autism Support, Learning Disability Support and a full range of training designed to support and meet the needs of the people we serve. We are present at every step of one’s care journey by providing care that supports people’s aspirations to live on their own terms in their local communities. 

side view mother playing with baby

CQC Ratings

To enable people to have the right of individual choice in the care they receive, our focus as a social care provider is to enable the right tailored care through CQC-regulated services put in place quickly.

How Can Our Therapy Team
Support You?

We have an in-house multidisciplinary team of therapists consisting of Positive Behaviour Support practitioners, Occupational therapists and Speech and Language therapists.

Through evidence-based practices, the PERMA model of well-being and tailored care plans that recognise people’s interests and areas of growth, our therapists create a fundamental bond with the supported person. These practices are our important predictor of creating positive outcomes in supporting people’s health and social needs to reduce and overcome their challenges.

The team is highly experienced in supporting autistic individuals and people living with a learning disability with single and multiple behaviours of concern. They can support you with:

  • Person-centred support to reduce restrictive practices
  • Support applying the Capable Environments Model
  • Smooth transitions from hospitals and different care settings into home services and community living
  • Trauma-informed care and Neurodivergency support
  • Support with multimedia and assistive technology

and many more services.


To see the full list of services please visit our therapy team page.

Case Studies

It is all about ensuring a safe environment where people can be surrounded by the ones they love and participate in their own communities, accompanied by heart-led care teams. Please take a moment to watch our mini-documentaries.

To read more about the support we provide, please visit our case studies.

Connect With Us

If you are a case commissioner, case manager or health and social care professional, please connect with our colleague Kyle Rice. Let’s work together!