The Need for 24-Hour Care

The need for 24-hour care arises when individuals require constant assistance due to medical challenges, disabilities, or advanced age.

Several factors contribute to the necessity of 24-hour care for individuals with dementia. Dementia can increase the risk of accidents, including frequent falls. As dementia advances, individuals may experience increased confusion, disorientation, and challenges in performing basic daily activities. Additionally, individuals may wander and forget to turn off appliances, making 24-hour care crucial for their well-being.

Behavioural changes, such as agitation and aggression, are common in advanced dementia, and trained support workers are vital in managing these behaviours, creating a safer and more supportive environment. Medical monitoring is essential due to potential coexisting health challenges, ensuring prompt attention to health concerns. Beyond physical care, 24-hour support provides emotional companionship, reducing feelings of loneliness and fostering emotional well-being.

The adaptability of 24-hour care is vital in addressing the challenges associated with dementia. To create the most appropriate care plan, seeking a professional assessment tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of the individual is crucial.

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Dementia Meaning

Dementia is a syndrome characterised by various cognitive challenges, such as a gradual decline in memory, reasoning, and overall cognitive abilities. It often manifests as memory loss, communication difficulties, and a progressive challenge to perform daily tasks. As these symptoms progress, they noticeably affect an individual’s independence, necessitating increasing levels of care and support.

Managing challenging behaviours such as aggression and agitation is critical to dementia care. The decline in communication skills makes it difficult for people to express their needs, often leading to frustration and outbursts. Caregivers play a vital role in understanding and responding to these behaviours, ensuring appropriate care for individuals with dementia.

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Benefits of 24-Hour Care for People with Dementia

24-hour care for people with dementia provides vital support, ensuring safety, personalised care, and an improved quality of life. It addresses challenges while promoting flexibility and independence and provides peace of mind for individuals and their families.

Here are some key advantages of 24-hour care for individuals with dementia:

Benefits of 24 Hour Care for People with Dementia
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What 24-Hour Care at Home for Dementia Entails

24-hour dementia care at home offers several key advantages, helping older adults to stay in their familiar environment and promoting stability and continuity. Experienced in-home caregivers provide continuous assistance with activities of daily living, ensuring tasks like dressing, grooming, and toileting are completed with care and compassion.

Furthermore, 24-hour care also supports family caregivers, alleviating the responsibilities of constant care and improving the overall caregiving experience.

Personalised Care Plans Tailored to Individual Needs

Personalised care plans acknowledge the unique nature of dementia and cater to each person’s specific challenges and needs. Dementia affects individuals differently, and each person may need different levels of support. Central to these care plans are memory care plans that consider the individual’s stage of dementia, cognitive abilities, and personal preferences while respecting their skills and choices.

Caregivers receive specialised training to communicate with individuals facing cognitive decline effectively, manage mood swings and behavioural changes, and address challenges like wandering and sundowning. Personalised care is flexible and continuously adapts to the individual’s evolving needs, ensuring the highest level of support, dignity, and quality of life throughout their dementia journey.

Personal Care and House Chores

Remaining in a familiar environment has many benefits for individuals with dementia. This stability minimises challenges often associated with changes in surroundings and fosters a sense of comfort and continuity. With 24-hour care, individuals maintain the lifestyle and routine they are accustomed to.

Caregivers help establish and maintain daily routines. These routines include many aspects of everyday life, such as structured mealtimes, medication management, regular exercise, and engaging leisure activities. These routines reduce confusion and improve feelings of security and well-being. Predictability in day-to-day activities can help individuals with dementia feel more in control and less anxious.

In addition to personal care activities like brushing teeth, showering, toileting, and dressing, caregivers also provide valuable assistance with household chores. This includes preparing meals, ensuring proper nutrition and hydration, and house cleaning to create a safe and hygienic living environment. The benefit of these services contributes to the individual’s physical health, emotional comfort, and overall quality of life.

Medication Management and Monitoring

For individuals with dementia, medication management can present significant difficulties. The cognitive challenges associated with memory loss often result in difficulty following medication schedules and remembering prescribed dosages.

Caregivers, or trained support workers, oversee medication management and ensure the individual receives medications promptly and adequately. This proactive approach reduces any risks regarding medications, which is essential in safeguarding the individual’s health and stability.

Medication Management and Monitoring

Supervision, Preventing Accidents and Wandering

Dementia can lead to disorientation, confusion, and a propensity for wandering, significantly increasing the risk of accidents, injuries, or individuals getting lost. The continuous presence of caregivers in a 24-hour care setting addresses these concerns effectively.

One key benefit of 24-hour care is the supervision provided by trained caregivers. They provide attentive care, ensuring safety and well-being while actively engaging with individuals for companionship.

Beyond supervision, caregivers support individuals in managing mobility challenges. They assist individuals with mobility aids, such as walkers or wheelchairs, and provide support during activities like walking or transferring to prevent falls and injuries. Caregivers also adapt the home environment to make it safer by identifying and eliminating hazards such as loose rugs or slippery surfaces.


Companionship addresses the significant issue of social isolation that many individuals with dementia face. Social isolation can impact mental and emotional well-being, often leading to feelings of loneliness and depression.

With 24-hour home care services, caregivers provide assistance and meaningful companionship. They engage individuals in various social activities tailored to their interests and preferences. These activities include music therapy, arts and crafts, and meaningful conversation. Such interactions stimulate the mind, foster a sense of connection, and uplift mood.

Also, caregivers build trust with individuals over time, creating a sense of familiarity and comfort. This trust can lead to more open communication, enabling individuals to express their emotions and needs more effectively.

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Tailored 24-Hour Care with Leaf Complex Care

At Leaf Complex Care, we understand that individuals with dementia require a unique approach that integrates expertise and empathy. Our support workers are skilled professionals and part of a larger family dedicated to kindness and compassion.

We pride ourselves on offering heart-led, proactive services prioritising the well-being and independence of the individuals we support. By helping individuals receive support within the comfort of their familiar surroundings, we create an invaluable sense of stability.

Leaf Complex Care works closely with individuals and their families to craft highly personalised care plans. These plans are thoughtfully designed to cater to each individual’s unique needs and preferences. With a focus on Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and experience in multidisciplinary teamwork, we ensure a holistic and empowering care environment.

With offices in Bristol, Slough, Somerset, and the Midlands, we commit to making dementia care accessible to individuals and families across the UK.

Take the first step towards improving your loved one’s quality of life. Contact us today to discover how Leaf Complex Care can make a meaningful difference in your journey.