How Jacob’s Strengths Became the Foundation for His Progress Through Person-Centred Care

Jacob's strengths set the foundation of his progress through person-centred care, leading to positive outcomes. With the support of his dedicated team, Jacob gained confidence and independence, allowing him to attend college and engage in activities he loves, such as going to the cinema, attending football matches, camping, and enjoying barbecues. 


Jacob is a young individual with lived experience of a brain abnormality associated with a learning disability. Despite his unique abilities, he expresses himself through behaviour that challenges. Jacob has been experiencing non-epileptic seizures for many years, so for Jacob to live life on his best terms and as independently as possible, he needs the right care and support enabled by a care team that understands his needs and cares to provide a safe environment for him and his family. 

The documentary highlights the transformative power of trust and demonstrates the significant progress that Leaf Complex Care achieved when humane relationships are fostered through comprehensive and personalised care for Jacob and his family.

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Reflecting on the Past: The Story of Jacob

After being born, it was discovered that Jacob had a kidney abnormality and had to undergo an operation. After the operation, his family never imagined they had to go back and make additional examinations. The initial reason was that Jacob started having non-epileptic seizures; he was only five years old when all these challenges happened. Experiencing non-epileptic seizures means Jacob needs to be surrounded by a caring and understanding support team to ensure the best outcomes for Jacob and to keep him safe. As a dedicated provider of continuous and consistent care, we knew we were best placed to meet Jacob’s needs and to create a secure, caring environment where he is understood and can thrive.

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Facing the Challenges

Over the years, the seizures became more complex and more prolonged, resulting in more hospital admissions. After coming out, three mental health nurses supported Jacob and his family seven days a week at home to keep everybody safe. Yet his challenges have continued, and that meant his mother had to go everywhere with him even though he had support. 

That was the defining moment for Jacob’s family to come into contact with Leaf Complex Care. 

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How Meeting Our Support Workers Changed Everything

For Jacob and his family, it was crucial that the support workers understood his needs and that he felt safe with them. His biggest anxiety was being around people who were unable to manage his seizures. 

So, the Leaf Complex Care’s support workers got to meet Jacob and started supporting him while building solid communication and consistent care. He was surrounded by consistent care and an understanding care team that enabled Jacob to thrive in his community and achieve his aspirations. He developed the confidence to trust them, which enabled him to go to college with caring support and a calmer environment. Jacob loves to refer to his support workers as his friends and enjoys every minute spent with them.

His journey took a positive turn, bringing smiles to everyone in the room. 

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The Impact of Leaf Complex Care's Support Workers

Having the right provider who can deliver holistic, person-centred care means that Jacob’s needs are being met.

Leaf Complex Care has been involved in Jacob’s journey, leading to a more independent and fulfilling life in the community. He started leading a more independent and enriched life since he used to be isolated and 100% dependent on his family. Engaging in activities that bring him massive joy and that he is great at, such as visiting the cinema, attending football matches, camping, and enjoying barbecues with his support workers, has become an integral part of his daily routine.

Seeing the positive impact of our holistic and person-centred approach, we are inspired by Jacob’s smile as he navigates towards a more independent and fulfilled life.

By having the care around him, I can now work from home, knowing that Jacob is safe and is out living his life. This gives Jacob a chance to be as independent as he is. ” – ends Cathy. 

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Our skilled clinicians at Leaf Complex Care can support you with care tailored to your specific needs. Contact us here on our website or directly call the office closest to your location.

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