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Growing Focus Areas in Home Care

The future of home care is characterised by a shift towards person-centred care and the integration of technological advancements, both of which are poised to enhance the quality, accessibility, and responsiveness of care delivery. In addition to person-centred approaches and technological advancements, there’s also a growing emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, with care teams spanning healthcare professionals, social workers, and family members working together to provide holistic support. Lastly, the focus on wellness programmes is increasing, encouraging healthier lifestyles to manage short and long-term challenges better.

We are all striving to make a difference, so we invite you to take our second Survey and help reshape the future of health and social care, ensuring better care and outcomes for all.

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Person-Centred Approach

Person-centred planning empowers people to identify their strengths and abilities to decide what’s best for them. The approach focuses on high-quality care, improved care team morale, and more efficient use of resources that improve social and health outcomes. In a value-based health and social care system, a person-centred approach is central, focusing on delivering high-quality care that is respectful of and responsive to individual preferences, needs, and values. The NHS emphasises the importance of developing a workforce, social care, and community services with skills and competencies that support and drive person-centred approaches to well-being, prevention, care, and support.

Please take a moment and watch Jacob’s story.

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Technological Advancements

Advances in computing and information technology are affecting home health care, potentially improving the quality of home care services and enabling their redesign. The future of assisted living is expected to see more innovative solutions being implemented as technology progresses, leading to more advanced types of care in people’s homes.

   ⇒ Leaf Complex Care’s therapy team includes a multimedia specialist to leverage multimedia advocacy and support people who require complex care. This innovative approach facilitates personalised video support plans tailored to different communication needs, significantly enhancing the consistency and quality of care. Additionally, multimedia enables us to design personalised, person-centred strategies that place people at the heart of their care. For example, this approach allows people to access and interact with their support through a touchscreen monitor. It’s a truly personalised approach to care that fosters positive outcomes while focusing on people’s strengths.

Opportunities for Case Commissioners

The concept of commissioning, introduced into the NHS in the early 1990s, aimed to encourage greater efficiency, responsiveness, and innovation by making providers compete for resources. NHS England has been working to develop more integrated commissioning of specialised services with local commissioners, intending to maximise opportunities to join up pathways and deliver high-quality care.

Case commissioners have the opportunity to drive innovation by integrating new technologies and care models into the commissioning process, thereby enhancing the quality and responsiveness of home care services. The potential for innovative healthcare delivery models, such as nurse-led home care models, to improve the quality of care has been recognised, presenting an opportunity for case commissioners to explore and implement such models.

   ⇒ Read more about How Healthcare Providers Can Demonstrate Value to Case Commissioners.

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Care Coordination Through Digital Platforms

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare system, integrating digital platforms has revolutionised care coordination, especially in home care settings. Leveraging data for improved decision-making, proactive planning, and investment in innovative solutions are key shared priorities for NHS commissioners and local authorities. These efforts have collectively propelled the industry into a new era of personalised care delivery.

Leveraging Data for Improved Decision-Making

Using digital platforms facilitates the seamless collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions. By harnessing the power of data analytics, healthcare professionals gain valuable insights into people’s needs, medication plans, and overall health and social status. This enhances their ability to tailor care plans, improving the quality and effectiveness of care.

Proactive Planning and Investment in Innovative Solutions

Investing in innovative solutions is crucial for providing effective care; integrating digital platforms and advanced software, for example, can facilitate planning and improve communication. Additionally, by leveraging predictive analytics and real-time monitoring while embracing active listening, healthcare professionals can anticipate and address potential health concerns before they escalate, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for people who require support. This proactive approach enhances the quality of care and optimises resource utilisation, resulting in a more sustainable care delivery model.

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Emerging Innovations in Home Care

Adopting innovative technologies and practices in home care has significantly enhanced care delivery for people with lived experience. Wearable health monitoring devices and multimedia are just one of these technologies that empower people to actively participate in their care while providing caregivers with real-time data for informed decision-making. Additionally, the integration of virtual care platforms has enabled seamless communication between supported people, their families, caregivers, and health and social providers, fostering a collaborative and connected care ecosystem.

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Impact on Quality of Care and Outcomes

The integration of innovative solutions has played an important role in maintaining high standards of care and achieving positive outcomes in home care settings. These advancements have enhanced care coordination through proactive, data-driven decision-making and a more person-centred approach. Consequently, this has increased satisfaction, reduced hospitalisation rates, and improved management of long-term conditions. As a result, people receiving support experience a higher quality of life while remaining in the comfort of their own homes.

The shared vision among care professionals and health and social care providers is to create an accessible and inclusive social support model for people who require complex and primary care. This vision aims to improve the care system by ensuring high-quality care and support delivery. Central to this effort is the commitment to fostering a meaningful partnership working towards shared goals.

According to our White Paper Publication 2023, 78% of care commissioners shared that they need more focus and improved collaboration with providers. 84% of case commissioners shared that the improvements must be focused on providers that deliver high-quality care and humanised support. At the same time, 25% shared that they need additional training.

Download the full White Paper Publication for further details on improvement within the sector.

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Collaborate with Leaf Complex Care

Leaf Complex Care offers person-centred care built on humanised practises, compassion, and expertise. As case commissioners seek to partner with care providers committed to improving care delivery, we offer a unique opportunity to elevate the standard of home care. Our holistic approach to care coordination and our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices ensures that the people we support receive personalised, high-quality care that meets their specific needs.

By partnering with us, commissioners can work with skilled support workers, a comprehensive therapy team, innovative care models, and a collaborative care ecosystem prioritising well-being. Together, we can shape the future of healthcare and transform how home care is delivered.

Please take a look at our case studies, which offer insights into how the people we serve live more fulfilled lives on their own terms.

With offices in Bristol, South East, Birmingham and Somerset, we deliver our support across the UK.

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