‘Whenever I see people within the company getting together, accepting each other, and celebrating each other, that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. To know that we can build a company that’s people-centric, truly people-centric, that goes on to be mentioned as A Great Place to Work is truly exceptional.’

     – Trevor Mapondera, CEO of Catalyst Care Group


Catalyst Care Group hosted a Best Practice Leadership Summit in Skopje from March 20th until March 24th, where leaders from across the organisation gathered to share best practices and learn from one another. Through a series of panel discussions, team-building activities, and workshops, all CCG family members left Skopje with new knowledge and valuable insights.

As part of the CCG family, team members from Leaf Complex Care had the pleasure to attend the event and grasp a lot of knowledge from other leaders.

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The Power of Learning From Each Other

The Summit began with an opening ceremony, where participants had the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from different parts of the world. They got to know each other better and strengthened their relationships by sharing their experiences and insights.

During the first day of the Summit, CCG family members got the opportunity to see the impact of their work and how they’re helping hundreds of families requiring care for complex needs. This was a powerful reminder of why they do what they do and the impact they can make in people’s lives.

The opening ceremony was followed by a panel discussion where our CEO Trevor Mapondera shared his own journey on how he believes he’s become a successful leader.

The event continued with discussions that provided a platform for employees to learn from each other’s experiences, gain new knowledge and insights on how to be better leaders and identify common challenges and opportunities for growth. The panel discussions were diverse, featuring speakers from different backgrounds, cultures, and professions.

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Sharing Knowledge, Achieving Success

Another important learning point from the Summit was the importance of employee well-being. CCG family members learned that employee well-being benefits the organisation and the quality of our services. They were encouraged to create a work environment that promotes physical and mental health, work-life balance, and job satisfaction.

Additionally, the leaders discussed the importance of clarity breaks. Clarity breaks help to refresh the mind, promote creativity, and increase productivity. Leaders were encouraged to plan regular breaks to take a step back and reflect on their work.

One of the most significant learning points during the second day of the Summit was when CCG members unpacked the importance of being both a follower and a leader. 

The conclusion was that being a follower can help leaders develop empathy, trust, and credibility, all while creating a resilient organisation. Therefore, leaders willing to be followers can be more effective in their roles and help their teams succeed. 

‘A continuous improvement culture is so important as it will support us to grow as an organisation, promote us to strive for the best and enhance the quality of our care.’

-Louise Bray – Nominated Individual, Continuous Improvement Lead and Coach

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Beyond Business: Exploring Skopje's Rich Culture

In addition to attending the leadership summit, employees were also able to immerse themselves in the culture of Skopje. They had the chance to visit historical landmarks like the Skopje Fortress, the Old Bazaar, Matka Canyon, and the Stone Bridge. Employees also enjoyed tasting local cuisine to fully experience the city’s vibrant culture.

This cultural immersion allowed CCG family members to have fun and unwind and helped strengthen the team’s bond and camaraderie.

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Parting Ways with Key Takeaways

Catalyst Care Group’s Best Practice Leadership Summit in Skopje was a great success. Leaders from different parts of the organisation had the opportunity to learn from each other, gain new insights, and build relationships.

This event motivated our leaders from Leaf Complex Care to continue their hard work and provide the best services for our clients. 

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See our gallery from the event: